Ano Kato - Greek music and workshops


The band
Photo album
History of Ano Kato

Welcome to Ano Kato!                               



Ano Kato is a Greek orchestra and music institute in the Netherlands.

  •  Ano Kato stages concerts and performances.

  •  Ano Kato provides in music workshops and lessons on musical instruments with the intention of introducing Greek music and improvisation to the Netherlands, and to spread around and propagate this music.

Here you can find everything you want to know about Ano Kato and about the workshops.

Pictures and soundtracks will give you a fairly good impression of everything Ano Kato has to offer.  

Or go directly to:

You can find soundtracks wherever you see the icon pictured below. 



Concerts and performances by Ano Kato for all occasions which are related to Greece

  •  theatres, concert halls, (open air) festivals

  •  Greek parties

  •  Greek restaurants and buffets

  •  educational concerts

  •  take a look at our photo album to get a good impression of Ano Kato 

  •  take a look at the agenda

  •  Video's of Ano Kato: Playlists Ano Kato

Ano Kato means ‘upside down’.  
Ano Kato is a kompania, a group of musicians playing different styles of Greek music. They do this with verve and enthusiasm, giving the music its own personality but without corrupting the authenticity of the music. All music is performed on authentic instruments.

The music of Ano Kato originates both in rural and urban areas. It is the ancient music of the people and is part of the impressive treasure of traditional music Greece is so well-known for.Ano Kato plays dhimotiká and the rebetiká which are rooted in Asia Minor. Laïká and éndechna tragoúdia are modern versions, originating from the traditional folk-music. You can hear laïká everywhere in Greece: in taverns, on the radio, in busses, and in almost every Greek restaurant as well. And Ano Kato is playing éndechna tragoúdia, so-called ‘songs of art’ (from composers such as Mikis Theodorakis and Manos Hatzidakis who have gained world fame by their many great pieces of music).  


Klik hier voor muziek

The group uses a small amplification. Larger amplification has to be provided by the commissioner (if needed).

According to the wishes and the situation, Ano Kato plays with 2 up to 5 band members, either as background music or as the main attraction.

Prices depend on the size of the group, traveling distance and frequency of performances. 
Travel expenses and taxes are not included.

Prices are on demand.

Alpha TV recordings in Utrecht (Kita ti eyine) in 2007


Telephone (+31) (0)592 544833

Post adress Vereniging Ano Kato, Lottinge 37, 9481 GW Vries, The Netherlands



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